Hi peoples... I know I've been 4 days didn't blog :( sorry... And now is my first time using ipad to blog... Due to my face condition now, I 'no face' to go out and meet people... Please don't trust those pictures in my blog because to look nicer, of course I will edit my pictures LOL... But I only edit my skin, nothing else... Except the skin, others are real ok ? lol...
Let's update few things about me on these few days... Today I'm going to India flight again... But luckily was the flight went smooth and no problem.. So I was like 'Oh! Thanks God!' :) Then, today my crew asked me : I did read your blog, Lemonn right ? Wow... So happy that I can meet my readers when working hahaha... Amd she is just started flying.. She said she and her friends read my blog before they went to AirAsia Interview to get the tips that I shared. Unfortunately only she got it... Good luck again ok ? And hopefully my tips do really help you guys Lol...
Starting from this mid of month, I start my diet plan :) I sign up Fitness First Platinum to work out and eat diet pills Lol... Because I was too fat! Everyone said I'm fat every time when they saw me! Sad! So I decided to diet diet! And the good news was, before I start to work out in Fitness First, I was 49KG(Finally I dare to reveal my weight TT) and after few times I work out, now I am 46.5KG YeePee!!! Hopefully I can get back to 45KG... Let's pray hard hehehe...
Lastly, a good quote for all of you :) Motivation keeps you started, habit makes you continue! Gambateh everyone! And let's pray hard for 3rd of March! For those who know what I'm talking :)
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Disaster Flight Today...

It's February now... I operate as a SFA is 2nd month now.. This morning I was in standby mode from 4am till 12pm (standby mode means I staying at home waiting for company to call me to work, if no call means day off). Unlucky was, the Flight Operation called me at 4.40am in the morning and asked me to operate TRZ(Tiruchirappalli,India). This flight was 3hrs45mins going and 4hrs coming back.
The disaster thing starts from early morning.. Today was a FULL flight. Going to TRZ we had 3 Wheelchair passengers. So I asked my crew to let 3 of them board first. Woman'A' was allocated at seat 12E which is overwing emergency exit (Only for those physically fit passengers can sit at the emergency exit, for pregnant lady, children less than 15 years old and wheelchair passengers are not allowed to sit here). Woman'B' who seated at 29A which is at the last few row and she can walk but very very very slow (Can you imagine how long does she need to walk from ROW1 to ROW29 ?) Woman'C' can walk and she sit at her own seat which is 1D. I had no choice so I let Woman'A' to sit at 2D and Woman'B' sit at 3E. The rest passengers started to board... I thought my company had a rule that 'Strictly 1 passenger 1 hand luggage with no more than 7KG'! Most of the passengers carry 2 or 3 bags each person and the compartment full in very short time! My crew and I help the passengers to arrange the bags and because of Woman'A' and Woman'B'... I asked nearly 10 passengers to sit at other seat and explained to them that because of wheelchair passengers. Some of them are understanding and some of them do not want to change the seat! Busy till I forgot to report safety of the cabin to my Captain! Luckily I flew with this Captain many times and Captain forgive me...
After take off, one of the passenger which seated at 3D asked me why I change his seat because his original seat is at 3A ? I explained to him that the wheelchair passenger can't walk and hope he can understand the situation. Suddenly he scold me like hell: "You shouldn't simply change people's seat as you like! I bought the seat but I can't sit at my own seat what is the point ?! You all should arrange the seat for the wheelchair passengers! Not simply change people's seat! I'm a DATO you know ?! How can you treat me like normal passenger ?!" I just keep quiet and said: "Sorry DATO.. I am really sorry" (Actually he is not a DATO because we can check through the namelist of the passengers).
The end of the disaster story from first sector. I headache since that because due to called up from standby, I don't even have time to had my breakfast~ The flight was delayed 6 minutes due to the wheelchair passengers.
Second sector coming back from TRZ. I got another wheelchair passenger onboard and this passenger was paraplegic (Totally can't walk at all, he can't go toilet also and he need to put a bag under his seat just to let him 'pee' inside the bag, can you imagine that ? He need 2 peoples to carry him to his seat). His seat was at 5A. I asked the groundstaff to check any empty seats at ROW1 so that upon arrival he can disembark easily. The groundstaff told me that ROW1 is FULL but he just let the wheelchair passenger to sit at 1A and he will explained to the passenger who original seated at 1A. Again, the rest of the passengers boarded. The 1A passenger boarded, and he insist want to sit at 1A because he said he pay more to get that seat, the groundstaff explained to him and the passenger insist, insist and insist want to sit 1A. The groundstaff started to argue with the passenger! OMG! At last, the groundstaff had to move the wheelchair passenger to 2C. So the groundstaff asked another 2 groundstaffs to carry him from 1A to 2C. After the wheelchair passenger seated at 2C, the 1A passenger shouted:" Just let him sit, just let him sit, I'm willing to!" I was damn pissed off already, I feel pity to the wheelchair passenger and I shouted at the 1A passenger:" NO! You sit down at your own seat! I don't want to move this passenger anymore!" AGAIN! Busy till I didn't report Captain about the TOTAL passengers onboard and other information! :( Captain forgive me again... I really feel bad, I didn't do my job well!!
The end of disaster story from second sector. I headache, stress and tired till I couldn't breath! I really don't understand why the passenger can't just let the wheelchair passenger sit at 1A ? 他到底有没有良心的?!以为自己有那几个臭钱买个臭座位就可以这样吗?!TMD!!!
From today onwards! PLEASE! Don't call me up again to do these India flights!! I HATE it!!!! I'm really TIRED!! Now I have to write a long report about the incidents happened onboard today! That's all for my flight today... BYE~
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
AirAsia Batch89 CNY Dinner
AirAsia, from my batch till now already 4 years. 4 years! We had been joining this company for 4 years but we still remember each other :) Our batch was batch89, till now is batch151 already in AirAsia Academy! How many batches already since batch89 ? Wow... Time passed so fast. Last week, my batchmate organize a CNY dinner. I straight away joined the dinner after my flight! Damn tiring that day but was happy cause I can meet those who already resigned from the company...
8 of us had our dinner at 7.30pm at Grand Imperial, Hartamas Shopping Centre. Honestly, I don't really like their service... They served without asking us, asked them for bill for more than 3 times, expect us to change our plate ourselves LOL... The foods are so so only... Haih.. too bad.. But its ok :) Cause I miss my batchmates hehehehe~ Sorry I'm gonna post alot of pictures in this post =P Please read it all ya~
The restaurant
The dinner of the day :)
Vincy, Michelle and Pingfen
Valarie, Jean and me :)
Coco and Melissa
Thanks Jean for bringing the Black Label hahaha~
Let's cheers for Batch89!
Meal 01: 发财三文鱼捞生
Meal 02: 锦绣五宝金勾翅
Meal 03: 挂炉脆皮烧鸭
Meal 04: 陈皮姜丝起球龙虎斑
Meal 05: 发菜蚝鼓花菇烩碧波豆腐
Meal 06: 芽菇腊味糯米饭
Meal 07: 椰丝蒸自制年糕 & 拼香口莲蓉酥
Meal 08: 西米百合红豆沙
This is Coco, she resigned since long time ago, now she work as a beautician :) The time she joined AirAsia is only 18 years old..
This is Melissa, pretty girl with a very small face :) She also resigned and now studying Law..
This is Vincy, a very crazy and thin girl.. She is still flying.. I look so fat sitting beside her LOL...
This is Michelle, she also resigned and now is a pretty model and she is very tall!! OMG~
This is Pingfen, the organizer :) She is still flying now.. A very pretty girl but crazy~ hahahaha~
This is Jean, She is now a AirAsia X crew... flying overseas and nightstop everywhere~
This is Valarie, a very happy girl for this year because she going to married on this coming MAY... Congrats my dear :) She is a AirAsia X crew too~
Group pic of the day *ilooksofat LOL
All uploading photos to Facebook and Instagram after selca LOL...
Lastly my OOTD
Floral dress from Vbebe.Valentyn // Burberry bag
That's all for tonight ByeBye :)
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Valentine's Dinner with LOVE
HOLLA peoples, how are you guys ? Guess you all enjoying your CNY and also Valentines Day :) I didn't really celebrate my CNY this year :/ Dunno why, maybe CNY mood is still off LOL... How you guys celebrate Valentines Day ? Mine is just a normal dining with love, but this time we chose a special restaurant which is fine-dining restaurant and this is our first time trying fine-dining.. We've been survey for many many fine-dining restaurant and end up I chose IL-LIDO, which my friend, Kittie been there before and she leave a quite good comment :) I do love Italian foods so we decided to had a try :)
I'm not really a fine-dining person because I always think that the restaurant is very 'the high-class' and the foods are expensive for very small portion LOL.. but I never tried before so I want to try once no matter how~ Since I got my bonus this month from my company, I ask my baby boy to had a dinner with me so we can celebrate our 5th anniversary and also Valentines together :) Once in a while, ok laaaaaaa~ hahahaha
IL-LIDO located at KL, Jalan Mayang. I love the service, foods and the environment there :) They are really professional.. Maybe you could go and try if you want to try fine-dining :)
The menu
Baby boy is deciding what to eat..
Italian bread ? Very nice :)
Baby boy ordered 2 glass of MOET :)
Let's cheers for our 5th anniversary and Valentines Day 2013
The appetizer: Amuse Bouche
2nd appetizer: Crab salad with Watermelon and Tomato Elisir
Pan roasted Goose Liver with Pumpkin, Balsamic and Orange Sauce
Main course: Ewe's milk Ravioli with Truffle and Honey Sauce
Chitarrugi with Lobster and Spicy Tomato Sauce
Lamb Cutlet with Homemade Spicy Sausage and Rosemary Potatoes
Can you see the colour of the lamb ? OMG! So fresh and delicious... OH MY!!
The dessert: Traditional Tiramisu
Yum Yum~~
Conclusion ? Hmmm... Not bad laaaa... good experience but maybe 2nd time will be after 5 years ? hahahaha~ Because its really expensive, the money that we use to pay our bill can eat up to 4 or 5 Korean cuisine or Japanese cuisine... So I guess you all know roughly how much we spent on this dinner :)
That's all for tonight :) Goodnight and XOXO
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