Monday, November 10, 2014

A Cut Above Academy Hair Show

First time as a hair show model. It was a new experience and of course... It was super duper tired. All the models need to back to the academy for rehearsal and training for the show and catwalk. A Cut Above Academy celebrating their 10th years anniversary so they decided to come out with this hair show and all the models hair done by the students in A Cut Above Academy. My hair was done by my sis, Tiffany and her junior, Chung Han. 

My hair was pretty amazing and awesome. I'm the only model who using my own real hair. I don't know how to explain LOL... I will be attached a short video on hows my hair looks like then you can get a more clear picture about my hair :) 

Luckily I had my model partner with me on this show - Boboyap
(As you can see something on my hair... hahahaha.. That's the thing that will surrounded by my hair) 

Make up done.... 

The fantastic make up team that done our make up... 
(Sorry, please ignore my shoes, I haven't change mine hahahaha)

Before the shows start, let's selfie laaaa of course... 
I am happy to be part of it in this show because I get to know all these bunch of pretty crazy ladies

My professional hairstylist of the day - Tiffany and Chung Han

Congrats to my sis Tiffany finally graduated from A Cut Above Academy... 
Next time our family got free hairstylist hehehehe~

They did a great job... Everyone loves my hair :)

Thanks to our lovely family come and support us

And of course... My Mr.Ivan :) 

What do you want from us... Hahahaha~

After shows end, photoshoot by the photographer :)

Can you imagine I tie my hair for 9 hours till the hair show end ? It super tired :(

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


大家好,我肥来了~ 抱歉了那么久才回来更新我的部落格。看看我的部落格已经铺上那么厚的灰尘~ LOL。这次回来是以中文来写是因为这次想跟大家分享我这次中国南方航空的面试。

好奇心强的我,当天看到了这则新闻就马上下载了他们的表格填上交了上去。之后过了大约1星期左右,我就收到了他们的邮件,叫我10月27日到Intercontinental Hotel进行面试。当天我却有事情做就缺席了。很幸运的,他们叫我28日再回去面试。所以28日我就去了


重新拿号码,也是6人一组。进去坐在自己的号码上。每人到评委那里抽签,抽到的标题使用英语来解释。每人会有2分钟的时间想,然后再用2分钟的时间解释。我当天得到的问题是‘没有人永远会赢’。每人说完了之后,回到自己的座位,评委给个题目开始辩论会~ 3人是正方,3人是反方,5分钟的时间开始辩论。然后就可以回家,他们会通过电话通知你。如果傍晚6点前没有收到电话就表示面试失败了


很可惜的,我失败了。最后一轮的面试我并没有收到通知,我的朋友们都拿到了,星期一就去medical check up。其实我也不知道自己失败在哪里,可能是身高吧?因为我在我的resume里诚实的填写160cm,但是他们的高度标准却是163cm LOL~ 好吧,这间航空也不属于我,说真的,我到底要留在我现在这间航空多久啊? =.= 哭死
