Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye ♥ 2013

Happy new year everyone! Did you guys just list down what had you did this year ? For me its another normal year :( Didn't achieve any, didn't do anything LOL... Sad nia... 

2014... I'm turning 24 next year (I mean tomorrow...) Sad, I just celebrate my 23 birthday T^T Old already how ? how ? how ? But 2014 is another good start for me, cause 5th January will be travelling to Taiwan and May will be travelling to Dubai and Santorini, Greece alone... So excited. Some people ask me why I always got cheap tickets and can go travel everywhere without exceeding my budget... 

First reason of course is because I am a cabin crew and I will get cheap tickets every year but not every destinations... Cause AAX didn't fly to Europe which my dream places are Europe... Next year May I will be travelling to Dubai, stay in Dubai for 2 days and then fly to Santorini, Greece with my friend working with Emirates. For 4 tickets, I'm actually got it with very very low fare... How can I do that ? It's because of the Travel Club I joined ; 'World Ventures'... Thanks to World Ventures for making my dreams possible :) I can get low fare tickets every time I fly. I joined with no regrets and happy to joined in a very big and lovely family :) 

**PS: If you wish to know more about the Travel Club I joined, may email me : lemonn520apple@yahoo.com WECHAT me : lemonn1202

So I am really loooking forward to it on 2014 :) Again some random post today :) Once again Happy New Year 2014 everyone~ Sad that I can't celebrate tonight cause I will be flying tomorrow morning :( 

Saturday, December 28, 2013

A Day in SHIBUYA Tokyo @ Japan

Sincerely from Aki, Joey and me

I don't know did you guys excited with this post or not ? But I am so excited to post this out... Hahahaha~ Finally I'm here to JAPAN!!! Japan is one of my favourite country and I really wish I could travel to Tokyo in one day but its all about MONEY LOL... 

This time I glad that I'm with my company LOL... (First time I feel lucky) I get to travel free to Japan on 1st December and also celebrate my birthday there with 2 of my lovely babes... Joey and me are first time flying to Japan so Aki bring us to Shibuya... Actually we plan to go to Shinjuku too but we spend too much time at Shibuya LOL... So too bad... Maybe next time :(

Japan is a lovely country, their foods are nice, their clothes are nice and the peoples are nice too... But too bad was Japanese they don't understand English at all, and all the things selling here are so expensive.... T^T Here I'm gonna show you all the pictures so please read it slowly :)

 Good morning Tokyo!

 Having our breakfast in the hotel... 

 Their train station... 

 @.@ The map... Make me so confuse... 

 Hello! Shibuya

 The weather are so nice to walk around :)

 Shibuya 109!!! 

 Ignore my troll face LOL...

 Japan is so famous of this... Do you know what are these ?? 

 Hi Aki... hahaha

 Their foods are so tempting but so expensive... Every ramen is about RM25... Hmmm

 Matcha Green Tea... Nice

 Selling Starbucks coffee too and fruit punch :)

 Inside Shibuya 109... The clothes are super fashion and the promoters all so pretty... I feel so embarrassing inside... LOL

 The make up things selling in the pharmacy... 

Japan got so many vending machines... So convenient.. 

 Ahhhh! LINE dolls... So cute!

 The naughty TED... 

 Then we had a walk at their supermarket... So many delicious foodss... 

 Sashimi so cheap and fresh :) Yum Yum

Night view of Shibuya

Our breakfast :) Damn nice... I can finish all by myself LOL

And because of all these things! My half salary gone... T^T LOL

Well, I really enjoy the time in Japan :) Wish I can go there for vacation someday... 

And recently I just 'DID' something to my face.. Can you spot the difference ? 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

[ADV]Fight Against CANCER!


Hi guys, today I am not going to share about my flying life or my personal life.. Just wanna share a random post with you all - CANCER. I am pretty sure all of you out there know what is CANCER... It's the most cruel disease in the world.. CANCER is one of the major health problem in Malaysia and one out of four Malaysians will develop CANCER by 75 years old.  

In Malaysia, many peoples died due to CANCER because of the delayed care and also the high costs of treating CANCER... But the good news was AXA AFFIN is collaborating with National Cancer Society Malaysia had started a campaign where you can also lend a hand to help those CANCER patients. 

What so interesting about this campaign ? This campaign is all about blogging :) If you are a blogger out there, blog a blogpost about CANCER and also 110Cancercare (For more info please browse https://www.110cancercare.com/), there will be one CANCER patient get funding from AXA AFFIN for their chemotheraphy daycare usage. So what are you waiting for ? Let's take part in this campaign and if more bloggers do the same, we will make a different! :) 

If you would like to share your story or experience or any other article about CANCER please contact cassie.seow@lionandlion.com

Let's FIGHT CANCER together! =)

Thursday, December 19, 2013


今天不知怎么的,心血来潮想写华语~ 可能我英语不大好,所以华语最能表达我心里的话吧~ 看了我的标题,不知道你们对于‘命运’这事怎么看呢?这篇想跟大家分享分享下我所谓‘命运’的经历。

如果你们一路以来有看我部落格的话,相信你们都知道我一直以来都是‘钟情’Emirates Airline。从以前到现在我都很希望自己能拿到Emirates,所以一路以来我都一直很努力。我第一次面试Emirates的时候是在2011年的时候~ 没错,是2年前。当初是我一位朋友一直拉我去,那时的我没有考虑过Emirates,因为我觉得赚钱何必去到那么远呢?我去了那次面试之后,听了他们的Company briefing后,我感受到他们是如何的爱护他们的员工,区区一个员工竟可以得到那么多的好处,和我的公司真的是相差一个天一个地~ 从那天起,我就跟自己说我要Emirates

但是‘命运弄人’~ Emirates终究不是属于我的。我第一次面试失败在3rd Stage before Final,需等6个月;第二次面试失败是在Final,需等1年;第三次面试时我直接失败在量身高那里,连面试的机会都没有就被轰了出来;第四次面试我以为我准备得很好了,一直都很顺利的进到了3rd Stage before Final,在那里我又失败了~ 在我拿着那张‘Thank you for coming’的那张信时,我的眼泪在眼里打转,谁的安慰话我都听不进耳了,不敢置信的看着那封信,心里想着:明明身边的那2个女生英语比我差,甚至连答都答不到,她们竟然拿到?而拿到的不是我?为什么?

回到家,我默默不语,眼泪一直掉一直掉~ 家人陆续安慰我但我都听不进,妈妈为了让我知道答案就带我见我的干妈(我的干妈会帮人看人相)~ 干妈看到我,就跟我说:“你并不属于Emirates,所以天不让你离开,不让你成功,如果你硬要去那个国家,你的身体健康将出现大问题。”她还跟我说:“你在你现在的公司会做得越来越好,或者是香港/台湾的航空都不错。”

我听了之后,呆掉了~ 在我2010年的时候,我去了一次国泰(Cathay Pacific)的面试。虽然面试都一直很顺利的就到Final,但是我在English Test失败了~ 在我以为没有希望的时候,面试官走来告诉我要求我再考多一次English Test。但是很可惜的我又失败了,总共我浪费了2次机会。原以为真的没有希望了~ 在面试时间过了2个星期后,收到国泰的Email,再次要求我去考第3次English Test。这次我终于成功了,拿到了Medical Check Up的Email,但是我却放弃了.... 

听了我干妈的话后,我就开始怀疑难道命运安排这样就这样?自己不能改变吗?直到昨天,我决定今天去Emirates的面试,我跟自己说这次要以平常心去面试,不要再为失败而不开心。男友问我,不怕干妈的预言吗?我告诉他我想自己证明一下能不能改变我的命运,所以我决定去了。但是在我昨天放工回到家后,我找不到我面试的照片~ 我有一个File是装我面试的东西包括Resume,照片,文凭~ 但是整个File就不见了,我从凌晨1点多找到2点多,都找不到,上床睡觉时已经3点多了~ 我跟自己说:“难道真的是天不让我去?”所以我放弃了,没有照片,我不能去面试了~ 

直到今天早上,9.30am我自己醒了,看见我妹妹就顺道问她有没有看到我面试的照片,她就跟我说在我房间的抽屉~ 我呆了,翻了翻真的找到了!看看时间已经差不多10点了,但我不想放弃,赶紧叫我男友载我去面试~ 

这次的面试不一样,是直接由Emirates的面试官面试。面试9点早上开始,但我10.30早上才到~ 就在我排队排了1小时多,坐下面对面试官的时候,她就问我:“Do you have the paper slip ?” 原来9点的时候他们有个Briefing,在briefing的时候,他们派了一人一张Slip,因为我迟来所以没有得到。面试官就很残忍的对我说:“In the website we written 9am, but you reach here at 10.30am, you are late for about 1 hour and a half, I am sorry I can't accept your resume, thank you for coming.” 我又这样被轰了出来~ 连Resume都没有看到就这样失败了。

面试官有跟我说下个月11日有另一个面试,但是那个时候我在台北,12号才回来~ 我又这样错过了~ 今天应该是我第五次失败了~ 我告诉我在Emirates的朋友,她很难过说道:“难道真的是命运?”


December Random ♥

Hi guys, its random post again... It's time for me to update my December status :) Well, this is my 3rd month since I joined AirAsia X. It's still tiring, busy but seriously is still better than AirAsia LOL... But here, sometimes I am not that happy as I were in AirAsia last time. In AirAsia we only have 4 crews so we very close to each other on every flights. But here, got 8 crews sometimes will get 9... 8 or 9 sometimes will divide into small different 'gang' and end up you might be the one who alone all the way... It happen on my flight last time. I am so sad, I have no friends and I feel so lonely... I purposely wake up very early to had my buffet breakfast alone cause I know they not gonna wake up so early.. I didn't went out the whole day, I just stay in the hotel and listen to music all day long. My first experience like this.... 

Some flights you will get crazy crews... Then you will be very happy when flying :) This month quite a special month for me cause first time I got Tokyo flight and Colombo, Sri Lanka. I celebrating my birthday at Tokyo. A very special experience... More details will be blog soon hahahaha~ 

Today I just came back from Perth. A very super tiring, full and busy flight! First time I was assigned as a galley crew on Australia flight. Normally I will get galley crew position on China flight but this is my first time I got galley crew position on Australia flight... I am so scared and nervous... China flight is very easy because the meals are not that much... But Australia is scary LOL... Cause almost everyone have pre-booked meal... But luckily I can manage it very well and my SFA told me that I manage and organized my galley very well :) I am so happy... Finally I can do it! This flight is about 5 hours and we stuck in the cabin for 2 hours ++ just for food and drink service~ CRAZY! Everyone is buying and eating OMG! Pity me because I am the 'Runner' and I have to walk up and down to send this send that... WELL, I can burn my calories like this hahahaha~ 

Okayy, sorry... It's time for me to end this long story LOL... But I am happy flying today :) Goodnight everyone... And tomorrow who's going Emirates interview ? You might saw me there... hehehe~ Bye~

Friday, December 13, 2013

Girl's Time @ Coffee Stain

I am really sorry... /.\ I should have update my blog once every 2 or 3 days... But now I update once every 5 days LOL... Feel bad.. From the day I flying with AAX, flying overseas so I've no time to update my blog... Please don't mind ok ??? Last month we planned to celebrate Baoly's birthday... We had dinner at Namoo, then had coffee at Coffee Stain..

Thought of celebrating Baoly's birthday which is fall on 20th November, but my jimuiss gave me a surprise too... They celebrate for me as well which is fall on 2nd December :) Feel touched. Feel grateful I have a bunch of lovely jimuiss... :)

 Me, Fei and Yen
 Coffee ice cube :)
 Charlotte, Baoly(The birthday girl) and Yen
 Yen, Gie and Fei
Me and Gie
 Surprise from my girls
 Make a wish~~
 Thanks for the cake :)
Me and the birthday girl

Group photo
I love you girlss... Hope our friendship can last forever :)