Monday, August 27, 2012

My Slimming Experience*

OKAYY! I'm fat okay ? Stop saying that I'm slim.. 

'Slimming' is a forever career for a girl, lady or woman. 
For those who checked out my Facebook before, will know that I'm taking CBS(the slimming pills). 

For your information, I stop taking it long time ago because it does not work on me :(
I'm still fat, still fat and still fat.. DARN! I don't know why, it depends on people maybe.
My sis Tiffany do take this CBS too and she really slim down aloooot.. Around 5kg
My colleague take this CBS too and slim down around 3-4kg. But, I don't know why it doesn't work on me. So, I stop taking it :(

Now, will you think I stop slimming ? No way, I won't stop until I get back my dream weight LOL 
But this time, I try another products which really works on me :D 
This is not slimming pills and it something like Detox but its not Detox, LOL I don't know what I'm writing about.
These products called (A Wonderful Life S'Nutri Beauty Solution) 

Yes! Just like what the picture shown, The World's Top Laziest slimming plan and really designed for lazy people like me. Why I said so ? Because after you start taking this, you NO need to cut down any foods, NO need to exercise if you are the lazy type, just maintain your lifestyle it's ok. :) You may eat as many as you can, sleep as many as you can. The only thing you have to STOP is stop taking products that made from MILK like Soymilk, Cakes, Biscuits, STARBUCKS! because it will affect the results. 

I bought 2 sets from this lady :)
Sets included CACAO+Beauty Solution or MOCHA+Beauty Solution or MEDITERRANEAN+Beauty Solution.
The MOCHA set is the best because it slim down faster compared to the other 2. 
CACAO, MOCHA or Mediterranean help to burn our body fats. Beauty Solution is to clean out all the dirty shits out of our body.  
Morning before had my breakfast I drink one cup of 200ml of MOCHA then I take my breakfast and I need to drink at least 2L water per day. :)
Night before I go to sleep I drink one cup of 200ml of Beauty Solution (blackcurrant flavour) so the next day morning I will go toilet >.<  

It's really good because I slim down 2.5kg in 1 and a half week times :) Now I'm still taking it and every morning I will go toilet and now I feel like my tummy is much smaller now HAHAHA.. So, now I hope can slim down to 44kg LOL..

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Low Cost Airline @ Full Service Airline

Low Cost Airline - AirAsia

Full Service Airline - Emirates

这篇是有个读者要求我为大家分析的一篇文章~ Low Cost Airline VS Full Service Airline
Low Cost Airline什么都需要钱——行李超重(给钱),食物(给钱),游戏机(给钱),枕头被子(给钱)~总之什么都需要付钱
Full Service Airline什么都不需要给钱——食物,饮料,游戏机,枕头被子,报纸~什么都不需要给钱

那么工作范围呢?有人问我:在Low Cost Airline里工作和Full Service Airline里工作有什么分别?
其实大家的目的都是一样:保证乘客们安全,舒服抵达目的地.... 那么空服员的工作呢?现在就在这篇一一为大家解释Low Cost AirlineFull Service Airline的分别

Low Cost Airline最注重的就是便宜的机票吸引乘客,甚至有时还不需要付机票,只需要给Airport Tax,所以你幸运的话,很有可能可以20几块钱就可以买到一张机票。为什么Low Cost Airline可以做到这样呢,只因为他们什么都不需要包括~ 乘客只需要买机票,其余的都需要加费用。所以Low Cost Airline的机票有时可以便宜到很吓人

Full Service Airline最注重的就是服务态度,因为Full Service Airline的机票往往都是很贵的,只因为一张机票里代表所有,包括食物,行李等等~当你买到一张机票的时候,你随时都可以得到VIP的待遇,虽然机票是贵,但是你可以受到受宠若惊的待遇 :)

我自己本身就在Low Cost Airline里工作——Air Asia。虽然我没有正式的在Full Service Airline里工作,但是我都有从不同的同事们打听到不同的经验和经历,所以在这里就跟大家分享一下。
Low Cost Airline里工作,工作十分简单,全是same class,没有分Business ClassFirst Class。所以服务都十分容易。因为食物和饮料都是只卖给需要的人,如果当天的航班都没有人要买的话,10分钟就可以完成In-Flight Service了,之后做什么呢?就可以休息谈天啦。如果在Full Service Airline里工作的话,工作十分不简单,因为食物和饮料都需要分发给每一个乘客,比方说你的航班里有300个乘客的话,就必须分发给300个人。除此之外,空服员必须学习调酒,乘客要喝什么鸡尾酒,必须当场记得调酒的步骤,当场调给乘客喝。如果有机会被派到Business ClassFirst Class工作的话,就连摆叉子,汤匙,杯子都必须照着来放,放的步骤也不可以错。

至于经历呢?Low Cost Airline里工作通常都是没有机会有过夜的经历,通常都是一去一回。除非飞机故障了,被逼在那个地方过夜。因为Low Cost Airline最注重的就是省钱,所以空服员都没有机会过夜,因为如果没有过夜的话,公司就能加更多的航班赚更多的钱。在Low Cost Airline里工作,航班的安排(Roster pattern)会比较频密,比较累。比如说:我们可以在一天里飞6个航班——KL To Kota Bharu, Kota Bharu to KL, KL to Penang, Penang to KL, KL to Langkawi, Langkawi to KL。也有时获得很长的航班,比如说:KL to Kota Kinabalu(2hr30mins),Kota Kinabalu to KL(2hr30mins),KL to Kuching(1hr45mins),Kuching to KL(1hr45mins)。感觉上这辈子都呆在飞机上=.=。所以有时蛮累的。
Full Service Airline呢,就是你有机会到处过夜,到处探索。如果你还年轻,就应该去试试Full Service Airline,因为真的是很不错的经历 :) 这是我最想做的,就是尝试新的航空,享受到处过夜到处Shopping的滋味 :) Full Service Airline的航班安排就没有那么的频密,不会那么累。是工作时会很累

其实Low Cost Airline很不好的就是因为所有东西都是付费的,所以乘客们可以处处刁难你,为难你,说难听的话给你听,但很难过的就是你什么都做不到(因为很多东西都必须给钱,不能免费送人)。比方说很多乘客遇到不开心的遭遇时,最喜欢说的一句话就是:Low Cost Airline就是有你们这些Low Cost Cabin Crew!当他们可能在Ground的时候遇到不开心的人或不开心的事物,当他们登机的时候,最喜欢就是把气出在我们身上~ 我最不喜欢听到乘客们说我们是Low Cost Cabin Crew!我们虽在Low Cost Airline里工作,但不代表我们的人格品行是Low Cost的~这样很伤我们自尊,怎可以这样贬低我们人格的价值呢?就因为我们在Low Cost Airline里工作?!这样对我们来说很不公平。
Full Service Airline呢?因为乘客们的机票就是所有,所以幸运的话只要你给他们所要的东西,他们就会乖乖的不打扰你。但是有时也是会遇到明明是坐在Economy Class的乘客,却要求First Class的服务!一点点东西就把你骂得狗血淋头~Low Cost Airline的话你还可以反抗,因为是Low Cost Airline,乘客们的要求是有限度的。但是Full Service Airline就不同了,你不能反抗,Full Service Airline的乘客就是王!:( 所以2个Airline都是有自己的苦衷的

Example of Low Cost Airline: AirAsia, Tiger Airways, Silk Air, Lion Air~
Example of Full Service Airline: Malaysia Airlines, Emirates, Qatar Airways, Singapore Airlines~


还有最近我需要多点Blogging哦,所以你们有什么想要从我这里知道的(什么都话题可以哦!),想要我Blog出来的,可以email告诉我哦: 记得告诉我你的大名哦!:) 晚安了各位!

Monday, August 13, 2012






在谩骂的过程中,空服员A觉得不对劲,因为她们人越聚越多,担心有事会发生,就赶紧使用机舱里的电话告诉正在后面管理的空服员C和空服员D。空服员C是个印度男生,他听到后就吩咐空服员D在后面守着,而他自己就要去前面帮忙空服员A和空服员B。当他经过那位丢香烟的中国乘客时,这位中国乘客竟然有双手阻挡他不让他向前帮她们~这时那些中国女乘客开始乱踢空服员的工作范围(carts, compartments)。然后竟然向那2位空服员下毒手,开始殴打她们2个女生。





Friday, August 10, 2012

TWG Tea Pavilion @ High Tea Session

Finally I curl my hair and it looks great with my new hair colour :D

Chilling with best friends is always the best thing :)
After jogging in the morning, we went back and dress up ourselves, then we went to Pavilion to had our High Tea session - Ladies World today.

TWG @ Pavilion is a very nice place for tea break :) 

The menu is quite complicated so we took some time to make decision. (Because they got aloooooot of tea to choose! More than 100 type of tea I think. LOL) Finally we choose the Fortune Tea Time Set consists of a tea, 3 macaroons, 1 slice of cake, and 3 finger salmon sandwiches with only Rm55 per set. But we got 5 people, so we ordered additional tea and we shared :) We choose Bain de Roses Tea & Silver Moon Tea. (Both taste and smells good!) 

The entrance of TWG Tea

Bain de Roses Tea :) 

Silver Moon Tea.. Bobo Yap is posing LOL

The Fortune Tea Time set comes with Macaroons, Cake & Finger Sandwiches

See all the iPhone on the table.. LOL Photo taken by Thera

Ladies tea time session

Peggy & Tiffany

Tiffany & Thera

First time she appeared in my Blog.. Miss Bobo Yap :) A lenglui

Thera's look of the day

Tiffany's look of the day

My outlook of the day
Top from China
Pants from Kitschen 
Tattoo legging from TaoBao 
Shoes from Cotton On

And here, let's share the first video in my BLOG :) See ya people... Funny and crazy video
Please forgive me HAHAHA

Thursday, August 9, 2012

New Month @ New Colour

Ok, seriously I hate my hair colour.. Still remember the last post that I dip-dye my hair ? It was sucks! 
My hair faded so fast, not more than 1 week, my purple colour faded to light brown and back to my original colour, I really hate it! Arghhh... wasting my money to did the dip-dye
This picture was taken on last friday when we hanging out together to Pavilion.. The best COUSIES~

Today me, Tiffany and Thera plan to dye our hair colour.. NO! Not the same saloon again but this time we went to Crop Studio, Kuchai Lama. I knew is far but we really love their service because they will give you alot of comments regarding your hair :) But the price... hmm... ya.. expensive >.< Luckily today we got 30% discount so why not ?? Let's do it today! 

For those who always went to Topshop you will know this is the model from Topshop. I  love her hair so much! So I decided to dye like this... hehehe. And I really wanted to try PINK before this. Some people asked me, how about your company? Did they allowed you to dye like this? Well, obviously NO, but I got my own way to hide it haha so don't worry =P
Please ignore my TROLL face LOL.. This is my colour before I dye :(
The colour looks unbalance and unequal..

Tiffany is doing bleaching now~ 

After bleach, and for your information, Tiffany cut her hair :( LOL

She is the first one who finish did her hair, dying red colour on her hair now 

Thera bleaching in the progress, She need to bleach twice 

Well, this is me.. I didn't bleach my whole hair, They dying my base colour now. It's light brown

Finish my base colour! OK I know it's not much different but at least the colour looks more equal than before

Next step for my hair is bleach the center part of my hair.. bleach twice so it looks more PINK after coloured. Yuckss.. looks disgusting! 像蛇皮 hahaha

Strawberry yogurt on my hair!! Looks yummy hehe

The final result of my hair.. The hairstylist told me that the Pink can't stay long and it will faded also but it will turn to very light pink and to very light gold.. Well, I'm still accept it LOL

Tiffany's hair! Same colour with 2NE1 Park Bom ? 

Thera's hair colour.. I don't know what colour is this but it looks nice :)

For those who want to try Crop Studio, may check this out! Remember, you need to make appointment before you go because they always so busy :)
31, Jalan Kuchai Maju8, 
Entrepreneur's Parks, 
Off Jalan Kuchai Lama, 
58200 KUala Lumpur.

Tel : 03- 7987 2603 

Bussiness Hours:
Mon - Sat:11.00a.m. - 8.30 p.m
Sunday: 11.00a.m. - 7.00p.m

That's all for today GOODNIGHT peoplesss... :)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Malaysia Hero - Dato.Lee Chong Wei

Yesterday was the Men's Single Badminton final of Dato.Lee Chung Wei VS Lin Dan at 8pm
Everyone was stay in front of the TV to watch the LIVE show because this is the First time that Malaysia can get a medal finally in London Olympic 2012
The match was so exciting! Dato.Lee CW & Lin Dan both were super strong! Either one of them lose 1 mark, they can catch another 1 mark straight away on the next round! 
We all knew that Baskin Robbins came out a news that if Dato.Lee CW get a gold medal, the whole Malaysia will get free ice-cream on 8th of August 2012. So everyone were stay tuned on it. 
But too sad was Dato.Lee CW lose and he got a silver medal in London Olympic 2012
The sad thing was when the ceremony began, Dato.Lee CW cried when holding the silver medal and after that he tweeted on Twitter, he apologize to the whole Malaysia because he didn't get a gold medal :( 
We all know how depressed, how stressed and how pressured Dato.Lee CW was. He is the only hope that can get a medal for Malaysia so he had the whole Malaysia on his shoulder.
But I get touched by what Lin Dan said because Lin Dan know what exactly Dato.Lee CW feels :)
Both of them were strong! They are always the NO.1 badminton player in the world! 

This is what Lin Dan post in WeiBo


林丹曾说过 : "请你们体谅李宗伟,他背负的压力比我大得多了。即使我输了,我还有整个中国支撑我,中国的双打还是可以为国取得胜利,但李宗伟不一样,若输了就没了,全部的压力都变成了对他付出的质疑,不是所有人都能明白他在背后的坚持。"

Dato.Lee CW, although you only get a silver medal like what you got in 2008, but please remember you are always No.1 in our Malaysian's heart! We love you and thanks for bringing the first silver medal into Malaysia. Thanks for letting Malaysia flag rises in London Olympic 2012 :)


When Dato.Lee CW get his silver medal, he cried :( he apologize to the whole Malaysia 

After the match, I Love both of them Dato.Lee CW & Lin Dan :) They are strong and professional! Goodluck in future! We proud of you Dato.Lee CW! Our Malaysia HERO!

This Restaurant Original Kayu Nasi Kandar which located at SS2, Petaling Jaya :) The owner of the restaurant give away free foods to celebrate Dato.Lee CW get a silver medal in London Olympic 2012. Thank you Original Kayu Nasi Kandar :)