Saturday, January 10, 2015

New Year... 2015

2014年,很抱歉我一直令大家失望。说好的会一直更新部落格但是一直没有做到,我真的很没用~ 知道新的一年,大家都会为自己设好目标,当然我也不例外。谢谢2014年,让我长大,让我学习不同的人事物,有好有坏,我会一直努力学习如何成为一个更棒的人。2015年,我将进入25岁,25岁新的岁数,新的阶层,现在的我进入了另一阶段的黄金岁数~ 

2014, sorry to keep disappointing everyone, I didn't update my blog frequently as promises LOL... So sorry. I know everyone will set up their goals every new year and so do I. Thanks to 2014, I grow up, learn many things, good and bad, new experience, let me become a better person every single day. I will be entering 25 years old this year. 25 years old, new age new stage new level... 


Along all these years, I know all of you keep supporting me, ask me do not give up, do not stop chasing my dream. Today, I would like to said million thanks to all of you but I had decided to stay in my current company. I will stop trying other airlines :) Not because I'm giving up, not because I fed up.. It's because I've seen through many things, talk to friends, loves one and realize, it's not easy if you really want to stay far away from your home,

虽然我现在这间公司福利没有比别人好,工钱没有比其它航空高,但是我快乐。以前的我,太过执着于金钱,哪里能赚钱,都想要去做想要去试。现在的我却发现,‘快乐’其实才是最难得到的宝物。这道理是我的朋友告诉我的。这一年,我的新目标并不是满足金钱上物质上。而是想要过我自己要过的人生~ 买自己想要的东西,去想要去的地方。就像我Instagram写的:就算有钱无钱,我也一样快乐。

My company benefits not as good as others, salary not as high as other airlines, but I'M HAPPY. I used to chase money blindly but now I realize, HAPPINESS is the only thing that you very hard to earn. So this year, my new year resolution is do what I want, buy what I want, travel where I want :) I will be a different me this year :)