Thursday, November 14, 2013

实现梦想 @ Achive the Dreams

很感触地想写华语~ 正所谓‘世上无难事,只怕有心人’~ 这世界上没有人类办不到的事,只是看你自己对你自己的要求有多高。很多人问我:我年纪很大了,你觉得我现在这样的年纪成为空服员的话会不会太老了?他们还会要我吗?


所以不要再说什么:他们会不会要我?他们会不会嫌我老?Bla Bla Bla...... 《只要你心中还坚持着梦想,就不必担心前面的路要怎样走》

我是很幸运的一位,因为在我19岁,在我决定我第一份工作的时候就得到了这个机会。当时别人都看扁我,说我是个不会说话的孩子,面试一定过不了~ 曾经低落过,也很庆幸的走了过来,现在的我更懂得学会珍惜。因为这份工作,我实现了我的梦想

从小抱着这个梦想,但是一直都不敢在‘志愿表’里写上‘空服员’这个行业,因为我知道自己的实力,样貌,高度到哪里~ 所以一直以来都不敢告诉人,但是感谢上帝让我在19岁时得到了这个机会


虽然我现任的公司并没有飞很多地方,但是也让我‘少少’的体会到环游世界的滋味。北京的紫禁城,上海的小笼包,悉尼的Fish Market,Goldcoast的黄金海岸...... 我都有机会去尝试,还真的蛮开心的

这个部落格虽然没有很多人阅读,但是我希望能通过我的部落格让有梦想的人实现你们的梦想,也希望这个部落格可以成为在背后支撑你们的力量,当你们实现梦想后来告诉我的时候,我很高兴~ 这里是我和你们的连接点,在这里阅读的每个人都有自己的梦想吧?我们一起实现吧 :)

I try to translate in English so that some readers out there can understand what I blog today :) Well, 'nothing is impossible'... HUMAN can do and done anything or everything, but it depends on how you work on it and how you look into yourself. Alot of reader ask me: Am I too old to join as a cabin crew ? Would they took me if I am 'XX' age ?

I met a female colleague who worked as a banker for 7 years and she became a cabin crew when she is 29 years old, because her parents stopped her to become a cabin crew for more than 10 years; I met a 32 years old male colleague who joined as a cabin crew after he became a father; I met a 35 years old woman at the Emirates interview trying to become a cabin crew (sad that she didn't got it); I met a 27 years old female colleague who gave up her boyfriend and went to Middle East to become a cabin crew.

So please do not said: Would they took me ? Would they think I'm too old ? Bla Bla Bla.... If you still keep your 'dream' in your mind, you can do it!

I am the lucky one. When I was 19 years old, I got my first job as a cabin crew. People look down on me, saying that I will fail the interview because I'm not a person who good in socialize. I'm sad and I've gone through it, so now I'll be more appreciate on what I have. My dreams came true because of this job.

I did it! : I've become a cabin crew
I didn't told anyone that I wanted to become a cabin crew because I know is hard for me. My appearance, my height, my ability~ But thanks GOD, giving me a chance and I got this job...

I did it! I bought my own house under my name
When I was 22 years old after flying for 3 years, I didn't choose to buy a car but I choose to buy a house (using my own saving money from the past 3 years). I didn't stay in this house but only for investment. So till now I'm still looking another house for me to stay :) Hopefully I can found it...

I did it! Travel around
My company didn't fly many places like other airlines did, but at least I still can experience some nighstop life too... Beijing's Forbidden City, Shanghai's Fried Dumpling, Sydney's Fish Market, Goldcoast the beach... I got the chance to explore too, so I am happy now...

I did it! To be a person who can motivate others
I create this blog so that I can motivate and support those person who have the same dream like me... I am so happy for having this blog so that we can connect to each other through this blog... Hopefully I can be a successful cabin crew blogger and let's gambateh together :)


  1. 大家都一起为梦想冲冲冲 ! 加油 :D

  2. 你好, 我在你的部落潜水了一段时间, 现在终于浮出水面了, 呵呵~
    人因梦想而伟大, 很开心看见你慢慢实现自己的梦想,很替你开心,恭喜你~
    我在追梦的过程也听过很多冷言冷语, 但只要相信自己, 不放弃自己, 就一定可以成功~
    我们一起加油吧 !!!

  3. 我也抱着这份梦想,这份坚持努力着,我们都加油!!
