Saturday, August 31, 2013



大家好吗?国庆日快乐!昨天是我在AK的last flight,昨天飞去Sandakan和Singapore,还要班机延误1小时 LOL (累死我了~)星期一就是我AAX的第一天training(而且还是地狱似的训练,因为连续training至星期六,然后星期日休息1天,再继续2天training)哇!累死老娘了吧~

昨天不知怎么的,可能是last flight的关系,所以特别感触~ 下了飞机后,围着陪了我飞了4年的A320飞机走了一圈,经过飞机的机翼下,才觉得自己原来那么的渺小,大大的机翼就足以高过我不知多少倍,然后再想着自己这4年来都是在这么大这么高的飞机里工作,感觉自己其实很幸运。

再围绕着飞机的引擎,就足以大过我几十倍,再看看走在我前面的2位机师,才真正觉得他们真的好厉害。操控着那么大辆的飞机,载着我们百多人,真不容易~ 所以机师的辛苦只有他们自己知道。

这份工作,让我又爱又恨,‘它’给了我在我19岁就踏入社会工作一个机会;‘它’让我的人生上下奔波;‘它’让我清楚明白社会现实是怎么的一回事;‘它’逼得我不得不自己独立存活;‘它’让我走过人生最高潮和最低潮的时候~ 所以我应该爱‘它’呢?还是恨‘它’呢?



写了那么多,我知道我自己其实对这份工作‘爱’多过‘恨’~ 因为当我没有工作的时候,自己站在陆地上看着头上的飞机飞过时,那种激动还是在的,所以知道自己没有选错路,很庆幸自己还可以那样飞~

今天写多了废话,不知怎么的那么多感触良言~ 再见咯大家,再见咯AK!=)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sept'13 Roster

Hi guys, my last month with Air Asia is going to end. My last day flying with Air Asia is on 30th. Then I will be start my training for 8 days, 2 days SNY(Supernumerary flights) and then start my 'journey' with Air Asia X. I will start flying with Air Asia X on 18th. 18th Sept is my first solo flying to Beijing... OMG~ I am so damn nervous. 

No more SFA, no more senior like what I entitle in Air Asia, everything start from 0, I will become a very junior crew and will be bullied by seniors :( Hmmmm... I'm scared! Please... treat me nice please... LOL
Seriously, I am very comfortable with Air Asia culture, everyday I sleep and work, work and sleep, no need to think about 'what should I prepare tomorrow ?' 'who I flying with tomorrow ?' BLA BLA BLA~ 
Because everything are in my fingertips, the GMT, the airport name, the face of pilots and the crews, the managers, the way to solve problems... 

Now I have to adapt to a new environment again~ 'Have to remember everything starting from 0' 'all the airport name, the GMT, the flight time, the new faces of Pursers and SFAs(In AAX got 2 SFAs, 01 is Purser-the highest position and another SFA), the new faces of crews, the new managers...' T^T

Well, talking about my Sept'13 roster... the roster was not bad, I got 01 Beijing nightstop flight, 01 Perth nightstop flight and 01 Melbourne nighstop flight and of course another 03 daily flights(Daily flights in Air Asia X are super super tired...) LOL~ I really hate doing daily flights in Air Asia X.

Finger crossed for my september new flying life ~ PRAY TO GOD! Well, I will try to update you guys about my training life if you guys are interested with it HOHO~ Do let me know :) See ya... 

Friday, August 23, 2013


她是Nancy,就像我妹妹一样 :) 小我3年哦~

我知道外面很多女生很想加入空服员这一行,想当初的我和你们一样,认为空服员这行好光鲜好亮丽,想到加入了之后,大家都会羡慕我,然后还可以到处炫耀自己有多风光~ 穿着这身制服,就觉得自己好像漂亮了1百倍 LOL~

(1)今天,我负责飞往‘广州’,天气恶劣,下大雨~ 但是庆幸的是我们在雨变大之前,起飞了。原以为飞上天空,过了那片雨云就没事,怎知道飞上去之后的天气更加恶劣,整辆飞机在震动,左右漂浮,上下升跌,在飞机里还可以听到外面下大雨的声音,然后还可以听得见打雷的声音,看得见闪电的光,我和Nancy倆人紧紧抓着对方的手,心里真的很害怕。天气变好了之后,站起来,我竟然脚软~ 所以就算穿着制服,那份害怕还是有的,但是你却不能表现在脸上,必须自己独吞,因为你穿着制服,你害怕的话,乘客会比你更害怕

(2)穿了制服后,你就是你公司所谓的‘代言人’~ 所以无论关于到你公司所有问题,乘客都可以把气发在你身上,还记得飞行至现在,我自己本身已经听过无数次的恶言恶语,甚至粗口~ 还记得有一次,我们在做着service,我把一杯冰块和一瓶可乐交给一位乘客,他把可乐倒进了杯子,却把整杯可乐弄倒了,然后就从我腰以下的牛仔裤都被可乐弄湿了,搞得我在机舱的中间尴尬无比,我看着他,原以为他会跟我道歉,怎知道他竟然若无其事,竟向我要另一瓶可乐~ 很生气!想骂他但是不行!因为你穿着制服

(3)大家都应该看过youtube里最近流传着一个很出名的片段,就是中国航空的空服员因为飞机严重延误导致她和乘客开口大骂!乘客应该是说了很多很难听的话,导致空服员完全不能接受,和乘客开战~ 但是身穿制服的你,如果和乘客开战的话,下场如何呢?当然是被惩罚咯~ 因为错就错在你穿着制服

当然不止这些,还有很多,但是先跟你们分享那么一点点~ 要进入这行的朋友们,想清楚哦!加入这行你必须是一位超级有忍耐力的朋友,不然我奉劝你们一句,如果你本身是个脾气暴躁的人的话,说真的,这份工作不适合你〜

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Thoughts

Well, it's a random post again. Finally today is my off day after 4 days working with all long flights :( HATE IT! I am so damn tired! My second working day was actually a short flight, but due to heavy AIR traffic at KL, we can't land.. The ATC ask us to HOLD on air for 30 minutes. Due to out of fuel, we diverted to Subang and refueling there. We stuck at Subang Airport about 2 hours and passengers were so damn angry and... it was Singapore flight LOL~ (I'm pretty sure you guys can imagine what happen onboard) HAIH... Suppose landed at 3.30pm and end up we landed at 6.00pm T^T

Due to 'overworking', I missed out my blog and also my workout routine. HATE IT and seriously, I am so damn tired! So this morning, I force myself to wake up early to hit the gym eventhough I'm tired... Because if I delayed my routine again, my fitness plan will ruined! LOL

Some reader ask me, you will be giving up Emirates after you joined AirAsia X ? Well, I don't know... Because I don't know how to face the Emirates interview again LOL... I think the interviewers can remember me though hahahaha~ Other than Emirates ? Maybe I will give a try no matter which airline is it... 


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Alexis @ Chinese Valentine Brunch

Happy chinese valentine's everyone... Although it's yesterday but still I'm here to wish all of you =) Me and boyfren were 'accidently' planning to have brunch together because I was on day off and he was too. We realized it was Chinese Valentine's Day after we finished our brunch hahaha... And we were happy because we can celebrate together on this special day =) 

We went to Bangsar Shopping Center to had our brunch. We went to ALEXIS, a bistro and cafe. The foods were not bad, abit pricey but still ok for us to afford LOL... And one more thing was they send us the wrong food and we didn't realized, so we just ate it until they told us that was the wrong food and they gave us FOC because it's their fault LOL... hahahaha~ End up we had to finish 3 person's portion and FULL LOL!

A nice environment restaurant =)

Boyfren's ice coppuccino 

My ice lemon tea

Boyfren's set lunch

The wrong food hahahaha~

This is mine :) It's delicious

The Tiramisu.. ITS A MUST TRY

DAMN delicious~

Happy chinese valentine's day everyone

Lastly, OOTD
simple and casual sportwear :)


Monday, August 12, 2013

My Clean Diet progress

Okayy, an ugly photo of me first because I am going to reveal the truth that underneath my nice clothes LOL

I am fat. I am not a person who born to be fat, I used to be a very skinny person and won't gain weight no matter how much I eat. My weight always maintain at 43kg - 45kg the heaviest. People always jealous about my body because I can eat whatever I want... Ice creams, cakes, desserts and many things... After 1 year I joined my company, my weight increase non-stop like HELL. The highest I got was 49.7kg with only 160cm.. Can you imagine ? Most of the people told me 50kg is the best weight with 160cm, but I can't accept it! Because my body was horrible! Fats are everywhere... my waist from 24inch become 27inch. I can't wear my S or M size pants, all my pants become L size. And I can't even wear sleeveless dress or shirt~ This is so SCARY! 

For all the followers who really follow my blog, you will always see 'I NEED DIET' on my blogpost but everytime I am FAILED! I FAILED many times, I try to go gym and diet but I FAILED because I don't know why I can't continue. (我每次减肥都3分钟热度) After I realize I didn't lose my weight, I disappointed and eat again. Till last month, I TOLD myself! I have to do it! I really wanted to LOSE WEIGHT and I do alot research, why people can continue diet without fail, how to maintain exercise eventhough no time... I spend many nights to do research through my iPad... read many books that related to exercise and diet. Finally I got the answer : Slim down need to be CLEAN! 
Means: Exercise + Eat Clean = Lose Weight

My diet plan starting from 29th JULY till now, it's already 2 weeks and I lose 1.7kg! It's only 2 weeks and now I love my body more and more OMG! But what are the diet steps so I didn't give up this time ? 

My diet progress on my iPad

1 - Plan your diet
Told yourself exercise 5 times a week, 2 days for your body to rest. Maintain 30 - 45 minutes cardio for every exercises. Do not give up!

2 - Eat clean
Avoid unhealthy foods (Actually when I first started this, it's quite difficult for me because I have to stop eating all the sweets, chocolates and junk foods. But once you used to it after 1 week, your body will naturally told your brain which one to eat which one to not eat~) Now I maintain this 'EAT CLEAN' exercise for about 2 weeks, everytime when I saw junk foods and fast foods, my brain will told me 'OH GOD! This is so unhealthy!' and you don't feel like eating anymore. It's good for your health and also good for your diet! BUT not every day you have to EAT CLEAN, keep 1 day for yourself to relax and eat whatever you want but do not over EAT!

3 - Control you portion
Do not eat until your stomach is full. Eat till when you feel that you are not hungry anymore and STOP. I eat 4 -5 meals a day but choose whatever you should eat. 
Breakfast - 02 Toast bread with peanut butter with a cup of milk. 
Brunch - Biscuits with black tea (NO SUGAR)
Lunch - I eat whatever I want but not over eat and not oily food. 
Tea Time - 01 Apple or 01 Orange or 01 cup of yoghurt
Dinner - I eat whatever I want but control my portion

This is one of my camera album~ I collect all the motivation images

Save more images about your dream body

4 - Get more motivations

Change your phone wallpaper... This is mine!

My Twitter : I followed alot MOTIVATIONS that keep me motivate

Some peoples always think 'I got exercise! I will slim down' NO! This is not true! If you really want to DIET, EAT CLEAN is the most important step than EXERCISE. Example: You use 1 hour to exercise and burn 200 calories, but after that you eat 01 McDonald set with 900 calories! You not only didn't lose your weight but also gaining weight! So this is how important EAT CLEAN in diet plan. 

Let me show you some scary pictures 
YES! My BEFORE pictures when FEBRUARY 2013! You can see my Chubby face, Flabby Arms LOL

Can you see how chubby am I ? 49.7KG! OMG

Now this is my current pictures that I took few days back
48.0KG and of course you can see the difference (FYI, I didn't edit any one the pictures)
This is me after I start my diet plan after 2 weeks

Obviously you still can see my flabby arms but not that flabby right ? hahahaha~

I will not give up and keep going on~ What about you ?
My next target : 24inch waist! 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Sorry for the dirty mirror T^T I should clean it before I capture LOL

Although is not a very big and happy announcement cause I'll be still in the same company... Still the red uniform and still the same airport LOL =.= But I am here to announce that I am officially resign from Air Asia. Why ? Because I'll be joining Air Asia X on next month. My last day with Air Asia is on 31st August and goodbye my Air Asia friends. See you guys in the office if we still can meet each other :)

What so nice in Air Asia X ? I don't know. I only know that all my friends are there. No more short transit (25minutes), no more everyday daily flights (got nighstops), no more weekend uniforms (shirt and jeans)... This afternoon I just sent my resignation letter to my management. Some of you might ask, why still need to resign although both airlines are under same company. Well, I don't know, because this is their policy and we had to follow. So again, goodbye Air Asia and welcome Air Asia X :) I'll be collecting my offer letter from AAX on the next working day...

See ya :) 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013



大家好,久违的部落格华语篇,因为想跟大家介绍一下这部好电影。做了部落客1年多,这是我第一次受邀到电影媒体播映会。想起前几天,忽然间收到一封来自《哥妹俩》的负责人的邮件,他们诚意邀请我出席他们的电影媒体播映会,我当时还吓呆了~ 到底怎么回事?因为我不是什么红人,也不是什么公众人物,想想也觉得奇怪~ 但是想想,既然有免费电影看,怎么不去呢?刚好我那天是休息日,所以就带我妹妹Tiffany一起去啦~ 地点是在TGV Cinema One Utama。


Registration Counter


TGV Cinema LUXE Room 很舒服耶


说真的,看了这部电影后,真的非常不错。原来大马电影也可以拍得那么有水准那么好看。这是一部又笑,又哭,又有带家庭教育的电影,样样做足,时间刚刚好,也不会太长 :) 8月15日即将上映,到是大家一定要全家大小去看哦 :) 当然相信大家对《哥妹俩》这部漫画也不陌生吧 :) 《哥妹俩》漫画可是在大马很出名的哦!可别说你们没看过啊?=.=|

